As with many other combat sports, BJJ can also obtain belts that indicate what level you are at. This also has to do with how regularly the practitioner trains.
The first belt worn is of course the white belt, after this you get the gray belt, then the yellow belt, then the orange belt and finally the green belt. After the green belt, the BJJ Dragon Kid advances to the adult program.
In Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we focus mainly on self-defense and the growth of mental and physical harmony of the practitioner. The exercises given are ideally suited to help children discover their physical and mental potential. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has been developed in such a way that it can help the weaker to defend themselves adequately in case of bullying and other threatening situations. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu also helps the children to get along better with other children on a social level. The exercises almost always take place at a short distance. The children have walking contact with their fellow students. The instructors pay close attention to the ethical and moral growth of the children. The way of training also helps to get an improved memory function. In a playful way, the child is motivated to remember certain techniques (successive techniques).
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be an interesting way for a child to get (stay) fit while building friendships and learning new skills in a fun way.