It was another beautiful few months at the start of this year. Many prizes were once again won by Team UCT, under the inspiring leadership of Sifu Pele Nguyen, in the field of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Several exam days were organized again, not only in the Netherlands, but also in England at our affiliated schools there. Various seminars were also organized in the field of Practical Wing Chun led by Sifu Benno Wai, in the field of BJJ led by Sifu Pele Nguyen and of course Escrima Concepts under the ‘one and only’ Wayne Tappin. In addition to online studies, last month it was also time for Sifu Benno Wai to receive first-hand instruction in Hong Kong. With this time the focus on the Fukien White Crane, Sifu Wai followed 12 sessions with Master Lei Kong. The knowledge acquired will of course be passed on, partly during and after the Xin Fa Nei Gong classes on Thursday (UCT Academy Amsterdam)
There are many important dates to keep an eye on in the near future, World BJJ Las Vegas Championships (which Pele is preparing for), Exams for our Jing Wu Kids, Exams for our adult students from the PWC and of course the UCT Summer camp at the end of July!
Keep an eye on our events page for the latest updates!
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